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Commission or Buy Artwork

Printing my own images on my 44 inch large format printer allows me to work and experiment with various archival papers, canvas, or textile materials. I create a series of proofs until the work meets my satisfaction.  Manipulating the images and layers in Photoshop or the Procreate app to place imagination, memory of moment, and a painters sense of color and composition is an important part of my process as an artist.  I also may use inks or other media to add details to a piece.  I can print in various sizes and also develop unique substrates for the work if requested.  I am also available for commissions.  Please contact me for any questions below.  Thank you for visiting!

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Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Diane G. Rolnick, Artist

© 2024 Diane G. Rolnick. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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